
What to expect during a session?

What to expect during a session?

Each person experiences a different breathing experience of varying importance. It will sometimes be more emotional, more physical or more transpersonal. It can even bring all these aspects together. Throughout the practice, these experiences are in perpetual motion.

Some participants experience an emotional experience
Due to the amplification of emotions on many levels, it is common to experience the experience as a roller coaster ride. Thus some will want to cry and / or will see an anger repressed for a long time, or even experience anxiety about the unknown.
“No matter the emotion, I encourage his expression, the person can at any time reduce the intensity by returning to a nasal breathing slower. Very often, the manifestations of these emotions are followed by a feeling of relief and peace, sometimes even ecstasy.

Some participants have a physical experience
Due to the energy that circulates throughout the body, it can happen numbness, feeling cold or heat, tremors, tension or muscle rigidity.
“You may need to move, stretch, make sounds. You will be able to let off steam emotionally and / or physically. It is a healing experience because the relaxation will occur and with it, there is the message that wants to transmit to you your body.

Some participants live a transpersonal experience
When one feels to be one with the universe, it happens that one receives messages, answers to questions coming from the subconscious, more clarity, from your Inner Intelligence. Some people may have visions, smell, experience other unusual sensory experiences and awareness.

Some participants have a meditative experience
In a state of deep and pleasant relaxation, physical and spiritual, one completely loses the notion of time and space. One then reaches a physical and mental relaxation, to an unequaled presence, soothing.

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